This summer, we have tried to live well in the midst of transitions: new things, places, activities, schedules...picking some things up and laying other things down. Sorry for the delay in a new post, but we waited to process a bit before posting.
At the end of June, we moved our things in the storage container to a storage unit in Salem. In Late July, Drew started a job! In early August, we moved into a small rental house in Salem (West Salem, specifically).

In late August, we moved the remaining tubs and boxes out of the rented storage unit and into our dear friends' garage since there is no storage in the house we rent. In the midst of all of this, we did attempt and began a few things specifically aimed at preparation for ministry in this context. Those things will wait for a later post. But first, we wanted to share a few questions and answers about what we experienced as a family to live in the midst of all these transitions.
Did our son & daughter participate at camp this summer? Yes at Canyonview Ministries (see their logo), and they loved it! Man-child spent 4 different weeks serving as an assistant to counselors at wilderness camp twice, day camp, and overnight camp. And our daughter spent a week at their amazing Girls' Equestrian Camp grooming, mucking stalls, riding, and showing.
Did we pick fresh berries? Of Course!!!
Did we hike and camp? Definitely!
Most recently at Crater Lake National Park with astounding views!
Want to know what else we did? Check the post next week for Part 2 of Summer of Transitions!
So thankful for the update! Thankful for the expressions of peace and Gods provision that you are seeing. Miss you!