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Millyellen & Drew

Spring to Summer

I confess that I take pictures of the sweetest moments of life, though at times I capture the mundane. But pictures here are for the happiest times. But life-at least for us-is often the bitter and the sweet, let's be honest. So while the pictures will give you a visual of sweet, the text will serve as a more balanced insight into our life this spring.

Sister got a puppy and everyone has taken to Jasmine. Despite the moments of getting acquainted and the terrible biting frenzy, it has been wonderful. Sister is "her person" in all things, and they are quite bonded. As for the rest of us in the family are roles are: Jasmine waits at my feet in the kitchen because she knows she'll get people food, brother is her rough and rowdy playmate, and she goes to Drew when she needs to calm down. We've all taken to her and it's been a joy.

Below is a sample of brother's photography as he is experimenting with 35mm film. From top left: a view from his window using altered coloring; a warehouse downtown; an alley in Salem with an enhanced blue dumpster; a view of the Willamette River from the pedestrian bridge; a church on Church Street; and a photo with various exposures taken on the pedestrian bridge.

Lots of planting and manual labor at our house as we planted grapes, 5 giant emerald arborvitae, dahlia bulbs, 5 blueberry bushes and raspberry plants. Also, the community garden is full of life with veggies, fruits, buzzing bees on flowers, and gardeners connecting with one another.

This spring we've only taken a few hikes. Various reasons: house projects, desiring for us to all 4 hike together but brother works nearly every weekend, and my newest setback, which I will address after the wonderful photo moments.....

On the Columbia River Gorge hike in March shown in the last three pictures, I was bit by a tick. Most of you know that 4 years ago I was bit as well, and I've struggled with fluctuating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual impacts of this chronic illness (and so has my family). I'll spare you the thoughts, emotions, and medical steps taken since this March hike, but suffice it to say that this has greatly impacted our spring. Fear is a powerful thing. BUT, love is more powerful. God is more powerful. And He's given us prayer, wisdom, knowledge, and science on this earth.

Drew and I took a weekend to try and replenish from the most recent tick setback and from a winter of teen challenges. Pictures are looking at the Heceta Head Lighthouse, Drew leaping from one rock to another, the view from the lighthouse, me after I nearly fell in the water and needed a minute, and the spectacular starfish that clung to every nook and cranny. What astounding beauty, this is one of my favorite places.

Due to abnormally sunny weather, irises that usually bloom in June or July began to bloom in April this year. Beautiful, and yet all of Oregon is experiencing the driest April on record for the last 100 years and the entire state is now in a drought. We pray for rain daily as we think of the devastating forest fires last September. Again, bitter with the sweet. The flowers are irises, azaleas with sister, irises, lupine, columbine, and azaleas between Drew and I.

Some other random family moments that capture the good: papa and brother Hoodoo for snowboarding, many evenings sitting by the fire with Jasmine, sister and the little one she cares for twice a week, Drew having a weekend morning cup of coffee after a demanding work week, Drew and I after we planted the blueberry bushes, playing cards one evening, mama and brother silly times, splitting and drying wood for next winter, papa and sister togetherness, and sharing a goody bag of love with the neighbor kids on Easter.

We'll end with the sweetest this spring has yet to afford...a young man knocked on our door wanting to sell his company's service. He asked for a pen and paper when he saw our prayer request box. I offered it, and gave him space. Then the Holy Spirit prompted me to go back outside and offer to listen. We sat on the front porch as he shared his heart. I offered to pray, his reply, "yes please". He inquired if we were Christians and said he was Mormon. Drew and he exchanged phone numbers. He's away from home and said he'd love to come over sometime and hangout either for dinner or by the fire in the backyard. It'll happen soon; we'll embrace this young man.

Thank you for the sweet moments Lord. And yes, Thank you Lord for the bitter moments as well. Help us to learn, love, be transformed, and persevere through them. Give us eyes to see others no matter the moment we currently find ourselves. Others are in the midst of their own bitter and sweet as well.

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Amy Starr
Amy Starr
May 31, 2021

Miss you all! Will be praying for God to release that fear from your heart so you can go peacefully hike again, Millyellen!


May 30, 2021

Thanks for the great update and all the sweet pictures!

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