Our trip from April 30th to May 16th brought a plethora of amusing phrases out of each of our mouths. Some of the following quotes may be associated with one of us, but others quotes aren't. Try and imagine who you think might have uttered each phrase.
"I didn't know Kansas City was in Missouri." Hmm.. perhaps we need to be more diligent in our USA geography!
"My head is about to explode."(mama) "My bored-ometer is about to explode!"(child) followed by the other child, "Want to braid each other's hair?"

"Mesa Verde sounds like salsa verde."
"It's a day: Brother got carrots up his nose and water down his shirt."
"I wonder if animals can get addicted to marijuana?" as we passed one of many dispensaries.
"What....twin butts?" "No, twin buttes." "Oh."
"Why exactly are we somewhere really high... where we could die...and there are bears...and rattlesnakes?!?!?" "Because it is spectacular, and we may never see it again."(papa) "Yeah, if we die, we won't see it again!"

"Sparkle fingers for a whole herd of wild horses."(mama) "I'll add my sparkle fingers."(papa) "Don't turn into an old lady papa, resist the urge."(child) Implied that mama is an old lady! "The temptation is great, I know papa." (same child) "There is no urge, no temptation for me to become an old lady!"(papa)
"Did Benjamin Linus turn the gears again?" -for all you Lost tv show fans out there-one of us exclaimed upon NOT seeing the Grand Canyon when we were standing at the rim.

"Who knew I'd love Utah?!"
Drew certainly displayed the best car dance moves listening to NGEN radio and Arrested Development. I apologize for not having a picture to accompany that bit of happiness.
Road trip games created a lighter atmosphere from the license plate game (the only ones not seen were Hawaii and Rhode Island!) to "Cows on my side" to Family Talk.
Praising God for the sights, experiences, safety, and mechanical blessing God provided as we toured a large portion of this phenomenal country.