Parting is such sweet sorrow Zion National Park as we each felt we could stay and explore for a very long time! But what a surprise to drive through two glowing red arches to enter the Red Canyon. Since we weren’t able to visit Arches National Park this trip, the Red Canyon arches were a fantastic consolation.
Bryce Canyon consists of numerous bowls or ampitheaters of oddly carved rock formations called hoodoos. These amazing eroded pillars of rock remain after whole sections of land erode away.
However, the unfortunate reality I (Drew) faced was that there was sun…a LOT of sun. Apparently, Millyellen was undeterred by this reality, but clearly my face shows what happens when I am FORCED to exist in a sun-scalded reality.
Note: it was only 70 degrees and there were scattered clouds. Yes that means Drew has a really weak tolerance for the giant ball of flaming gas in the sky. Even the sun’s definition should warn us!
From there, we drove through Provo, Salt Lake City’s sprawling metropolis, and then the beautiful Unita-Wasatch-Cache National Forest area along the Logan River on our way up to Bear Lake, UT (Trailside KOA). On numerous occasions Drew exclaimed, “Route 89 in Utah is my kind of road!”
Bear Lake’s natural, freshwater, clear blue sparkle was gorgeous. And even with the development in the area, it appears to be a relaxing place, even in the upcoming tourist season.